Higgins Lake Utilities Authority

Higgins Lake Utilities Authority

O&M Fees

At the regular board meeting of the HLUA Board on June 13, 2024, the HLUA Board approved an increase in quarterly fees of $40.00.  The increase in the O&M Fee is due to increases in our Operations Contract, Admin Contract, Grinder Pumps, Insurance, and Permit Costs.  Starting with the July 1, 2024, quarterly invoices, the […]

O&M Fees

At a special meeting of the HLUA Board on June 26, 2023, the HLUA Board approved an increase in quarterly fees of $15.00.  The increase in the O&M Fee is do to increases in Insurance and Utility Costs.  Starting with the July 1, 2023, quarterly invoices, the fees will be as follows: O&M:     $112.50 […]