Higgins Lake Utilities Authority

Higgins Lake Utilities Authority

Billing Information

Where to Pay

Pay Online

Pay online by using a credit card, debit card, or electronic bank transfer.

Mailing Address

Higgins Lake Utilities Authority
PO Box 437
Higgins Lake, MI 48627

Office (Dropbox)

Higgins Lake Utilities Authority
4304 W M72 Hwy

Grayling, MI  49738

Invoice Dates

January 1st

April 1st

July 1st

October 1st

Due Date

21st of the Invoice Month

Late Fee


Past Due Notices

Sent 45 days after invoice date

For billing questions, please call (800) 989-7851 ext. 2 or email: admin@hlua.org

Billing Notices

O&M Fees

At the regular board meeting of the HLUA Board on June 13, 2024, the HLUA Board approved an increase in quarterly fees of $40.00.  The increase in the O&M Fee is due to increases in our Operations Contract, Admin Contract, Grinder Pumps, Insurance, and Permit Costs.  Starting with the July 1, 2024, quarterly invoices, the fees will be as follows:

O&M:    $142.50
ER&R:    $45.00
CI:               $7.50
Total:    $195.00

O&M Fees

At a special meeting of the HLUA Board on June 26, 2023, the HLUA Board approved an increase in quarterly fees of $15.00.  The increase in the O&M Fee is do to increases in Insurance and Utility Costs.  Starting with the July 1, 2023, quarterly invoices, the fees will be as follows:

O&M:     $112.50
ER&R:    $35.00
CI:              $7.50
Total:    $155.00


The billing software is currently under development.