Higgins Lake Utilities Authority

Higgins Lake Utilities Authority

About Our System

History of the HLUA

In May, 2007, Lyon Township (Roscommon County) and Beaver Creek Township (Crawford County) formed the Higgins Lake Utilities Authority (HLUA) to finance, build, and operate the sewer system and treatment plant.  The board consists of five members – two from Lyon Township, two from Beaver Creek Township, and one from Camp Curnalia.  The Higgins Lake Utilities Authority was funded by grants and the townships facilitated the sale of bonds for construction of the collection system and treatment plant.  The bonds are being paid back using a special annual assessment, billed by the townships, to the users of the sewer system.  Quarterly O&M Fees are used by the Higgins Lake Utilities Authority to fund ongoing Operations and Maintenance Costs, which are paid by the users of the sewer system.

Currently, 405 cottages in the area, most of which are located in Lyon Township and about 35 cottages located in Beaver Creek Township are connected to the Higgins Lake Utilities Authority producing over 3 million gallons of sewage for processing at the treatment plant annually.  Less than 50 of the 405 cottages are considered primary residents, with the remainder seasonal residents.  Each unit is connected to an E-One Grinder Pump Station.  All of the Grinder Pumps are connected to a force main, which is connected to the waste water treatment plant located in Beaver Creek Township.

Current treatment plant capacity is about 11.8 million gallons per year.  A series of four ponds at the treatment plant help process the waste.   The final product is clear and sprayed on three five acre alfalfa fields, as part of the purification process.  The alfalfa is harvested for use by a local farmer for feeding of his cows.